Milano Fashion&Jewels supports the young finalists of the XXXIV National Fashion Profession Competition for Young Designers – RMI 2024

Milano Fashion&Jewels

20-23 September 2025
fieramilano, Rho


Milano Fashion&Jewels supports the young finalists of the XXXIV National Fashion Profession Competition for Young Designers – RMI 2024

A project that aims to recognise the creativity of fashion school students from all over Italy by connecting the world of education with the world of work.

Milano Fashion&Jewels is supporting the 34th edition of the National Fashion Profession Competition for Young Designers. In doing so, it has underlined its ongoing commitment to helping young talent and promoting their innovative potential and ability to shape the future of the fashion and jewellery industry. Organised by CNA Federmoda, the competition is aimed at students in the last year of higher secondary education and students at postgraduate institutes and universities who were below the age of 25 on 31 December 2023.


The competition is divided into five product areas: clothing and knitwear; furs; underwear and resortwear; leather and footwear; and accessories (jewellery, ornamental items, eyewear).


The candidates selected by the committee set up to identify the most deserving students to attend the final in Rome are: Mira Ascoli, Calci (Pisa); Julianna Berdyn, Rome; Sofia Bertogalli, Forlì; Maria Bruni, Rende (Cosenza); Elena Cacciatore, Bologna; Sofia Censoni, Rimini; Giulia Ciuffetelli, Sambuceto (Chieti); Camilla Cruciani, Rome; Francesca D'Angelo, Rionero in Vulture (Potenza); Giorgia Demagistris, Perloz (Aosta); Camilla Di Cesare, Anversa degli Abruzzi (L’Aquila); Giada Di Girolamo, Alba Adriatica (Teramo); Rita Diomaiuto, Cecina (Livorno); Leonardo Fizialetti, Rome; Aurora Galluccio, Latina; Cristian Imperiale, Forlì; Annamaria Jerinò, Gioiosa Ionica (Reggio Calabria); Asia Leccese, Chiaravalle (Ancona); Gaia Lovise, Costabissara (Vicenza); Zhuowen Li, Beijing; Alessia Lizzi, Pianella (Pescara); Emma Orsucci, Pescia (Pistoia); Aurora Riminesi, Perugia; Eleonora Zurru, Calasetta (Sardinia).


The competition will culminate in Rome in July with the presentation of the entries and the awarding of the winners. Prizes include internships, study grants, software from Pro2Dev and significant opportunities for visibility during trade exhibitions such as Milano Fashion&Jewels – September 2024.


Students will be involved in a series of events and will attend the “Master in Fashion Design and Manufacture by CNA Federmoda”, with professionals and industry experts as tutors.


The initiative highlights the role of Milano Fashion&Jewels as a catalyst for dialogue between business and young creatives, thereby helping to strengthen the Italian fashion industry’s position globally.