Milano Fashion&Jewels
20-23 September 2025
fieramilano, Rho
The watchword is 'synergy': networking by looking to the future and focusing on the new generations
Milan, 21 February 2024 - The four events dedicated to fashion and accessories that took place simultaneously at Fieramilano (Rho) to launch the trends for the coming seasons came to a satisfactory close.
The closing figures, thanks to incoming trade visitors from abroad, reflect a positive trend, a tangible sign of stability in a difficult economic moment.
MICAM Milano, MIPEL, The One Milano and Milano Fashion&Jewels welcomed a total of 40,821 trade visitors, 45% of whom came from abroad. In particular, from the European Union, France, Germany, Spain and Greece recorded the best performances; from non-European markets positive results came from Japan, China, Kazakhstan and the United Kingdom. To complete the chain logic of the exhibition offer, Lineapelle and Simac Tanning Tech are also currently taking place and will end tomorrow.
Once again, the will to work as a system and to present themselves to the market together won out: holding fairs concurrently is, in fact, not only an aspect that strengthens individual events, by allowing them to enjoy wider visibility, but above all represents a tool to stimulate international demand, offering buyers and dealers from all over the world a unique opportunity to grasp so many different aspects of the world of accessories at one time.
To represent this mutual benefit, the events came up with the English neologism Greatify, which means to make big and stronger.
Inaugurating the events was the Minister for Business and Made in Italy, Adolfo Urso, a presence that further underlined the importance of trade fairs as a tool for the promotion and internationalisation of Italian companies.
During the fairs, the pavilions buzzed not only with business opportunities but also the desire to innovate: in all the sectors represented, in fact, strong efforts are being made to renew production processes with the introduction of digitalisation and the latest technologies. But this forward thrust does not nullify, indeed it strengthens, a tradition rooted in craftsmanship, which is still alive in all the sectors represented by the events.
Another important example of shared intentions is that of training: workshops and educational and informative moments were organised at all events, in many cases involving young people, who represent the future, and schools, an indispensable bridge to the world of work for the new generations.
Now that this edition is over, we are already looking ahead to next September, again with a view to the supply chain and system.