Fashion Trends 2026: Milano Fashion&Jewels looks into the future

Milano Fashion&Jewels

20-23 September 2025
fieramilano, Rho


Fashion Trends 2026: Milano Fashion&Jewels looks into the future

Design Directions is back: the Milano Fashion&Jewels multimedia itinerary developed in collaboration with Poli.Design, to discover, learn about and investigate the trends of the near future.

To respond to the rapid pace of change and understand the evolution of the sector, Milano Fashion&Jewels once again focuses on the future of creativity with Design Directions. The multimedia space, created in partnership with Poli.Design and on stage from Sunday 18 to Wednesday 21 February within the event, aims to be a magnifying glass to discover, get to know and investigate the trends and inspirations of the jewellery and fashion accessory of the future with a focus on 2026.


The area is designed not only to be a highly immersive experience, but above all as an incubator of ideas with a double purpose: an observatory where visitors can delve in detail into all the subtleties of creativity, and an exclusive showcase for exhibitors who can thus understand the strategic keys of the fashion business to come according to the consumer's needs.


With a rich narrative that is even more engaging than in previous editions, Design Directions will enable the new horizons of fashion jewellery and accessories to be mapped out, enabling companies to be competitive on the market. This is possible thanks to the detailed investigation of the 2026 macro-trends identified by Poli.Design, such as the two very recent Mix-up and Senses, which will be presented during the February edition: do you want a sneak peek?


Mix-Up evokes an irresistible desire to explore landscapes, places and objects of fascinating ambiguity. The key to the mix is found in the use of seemingly traditional yet sustainable materials, the replication of objects with out-of-the-ordinary characteristics and the use of artificial intelligence to create deceptively realistic content. The theme of combination suggests an irresistible desire to get closer, to fully understand and appreciate the beauty inherent in experimentation. Mix-Up celebrates a lifestyle without rules, embodying the audacity of those who defy convention, constantly exploring new horizons. Here, different worlds - such as fashion and sport, art and skateboarding - mingle. The essence of those who inhabit this trend lies in their love of discovery, embracing out-of-the-ordinary experiences but always respecting the world around them. (Photo credit: Helga Stentzel, Ca-bear-net © Helga Stentzel)


Senses explores the deeper meanings of feeling understood as human perception through body and mind. The exploration is not only physical and material but also conceptual, creative and often messy. Here real and tangible but also fantastic and imaginary bodies are explored through senses that enhance knowledge, the result of real if chaotic and not always perfect experiences. Senses focuses on the human being, celebrating the physical body and accepting the inevitability of mistakes as part of the human experience. Aimed at a young audience, it favours simple and authentic choices, occasionally experimenting with more eccentric options. It values material, craftsmanship and the rediscovery of traditions. With a focus on body positivity and self-acceptance, a key element is the promotion of humanity, compassion and love for others. (Photo credit: Thandiwe Muriu, Colors of Thandiwe © Thandiwe Muriu)

Milano Fashion&Jewels looks forward to seeing you from Sunday 18 to Wednesday 21 February 2024, at Fiera Milano.